Digital and Social Media services

Digital Consultation

Our experience is unrivalled in Aotearoa. We are here to share our knowledge, and make sure your business is provided with confidence to excel in the digital space. 

We believe that there is no such thing as a social media guru. We don’t promise to know all the answers, but we will do the research. The digital world changes rapidly - in fact, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg famously couldn't answer all the questions about his own platform. So, we have a different school of thought: we will educate you about what you need to know to make your project a success (probably plus a few interesting facts). We are on this journey with you. 

Your personal expert.

Digital Strategy

We are digital storytellers. By learning about your service and offering, we match this with an analysis of your target audience. We infuse creativity and a data driven approach to ensure everything we do has a reason behind it.

How to tell your story online.

Campaign Creation

From one-off events to long-term campaigns that promote your brand, we are here to be your digital storytellers. Develop your key message for a digital audience and get it out to the world. 

Promote a business, project or event.

Content Marketing

Create your brand story through words, pictures and video.

We create narratives that people want to be a part of. This is the day-to-day content that is shared on your digital platforms (aka the stuff that takes up most of your time). Evolve your followers into super-fans and empower them to share their love of your brand from the digital rooftops.

TKM Creative Network

Where our talents end, our networks begin. If you want to extend your digital strategy through video, podcast and beyond - we have a little black book of people with skills you are looking for. What’s more - our connections aren’t confined to the digital world. We have access to business strategists, venue managers, health, wellness experts and beyond. The bottom line is: we want our connections to help you and your business. Great people supporting great people!

Access experts across multiple industries.

Digital Advertising

Boost brand awareness and conversions through paid digital advertising.

Digital advertising can sometimes feel like throwing money out an open window - but not with us. We are versed in the strategies required to engage your target audience and use your budget wisely. 


Want to learn more about digital platforms?

Gain digital confidence, no after what stage you are at. From learning what to do with a hashtag, to understanding SEO and beyond - we are here to answer your questions and share our knowledge.

​We can talk to your staff about their social media presence and why it matters.


We love stats. Why? They tell your audience’s story.

Making sure you are hitting KPI’s is important - but reporting also opens the door to opportunities. Your fans have a lot to say, and it is the statistics that can give you insight into your business strategy. We analyse the data and provide you with strategist marketing solutions based on the story the numbers are telling.

Fun fact: Some musicians book their tour locations based on digital analytics, as they find their fans are in locations they wouldn’t normally consider.